The best skate pants just got better. CCS over hauled their pants using stronger fabrics and premium stretch that will hold shape longer than this run on sentence.
How To Kickflip In 5 Minutes – CCS
How To Kickflip In 5 Minutes. The kickflip is one of the first tricks any skateboarder tries to learn. It also is one of those tricks no matter how long you have been skating it is still one of the hardest to perfect. This is why it is so important to learn the RIGHT way, luckily we have Dale Decker here to teach us all the important steps to learning a solid kickflip.
Introducing CCS Customs X
Introducing CCS Customs X tool allows you to partner with CCS and design your own color way of CCS deck and t-shirt graphics. A couple quick taps of your thumbs can build you a product no one else in the world will have. Hit the link HERE to play with the tool and start creating. This is just the first step of many…
CCS – Attempting To Break The Worlds Strongest Board l Santa Cruz VX Decks
Attempting To Break The Worlds Strongest Board. Breaking boards is in inevitable consequence when skateboarding, but what if there was a board that could withstand a 200+ pound person stomping on it, and even a car running over it? Matt Price, Dale Decker and Santa Cruz Pro Maurio McCoy push these Santa Cruz VX Decks to there limit, did they pass the test? You will have to see for yourself! Pick up the Santa Cruz VX Deck HERE.
CCS: 3 Things Every Skater NEEDS On A Session
3 Things Every Skater NEEDS On A Session. Leaving your house to go skate? There is a few things that you MUST have or it could really bum out the sesh. Tune in as Dale Decker helps guide us into a great skate session and gets us ready for a full day out with no major issues.
CCS – Does Size And Hardness Really Matter For Skate Wheels
Does Size And Hardness Really Matter For Skate Wheels? Tune in as our host Dale Decker helps explain which hard wheels are best for what types of skateboarding.
CCS+ Show Ep. 4: Andrew Cannon
From a Pro Skater for World Industries to running a successful company with Santa Cruz, Andrew Cannon has seen it from all angles in the skateboarding industry. Tune In as he goes through his story and answers questions from the CCS+ Members. Make sure you don’t miss out by signing up for CCS+ today! $20 for the whole year gets you free 2-3 day shipping on orders and access to experiences like these! Hit the link HERE to sign up!
Are All Skateboard Bearings The Same? – CCS
The thing that makes the wheel go round, Bearings. Are they all the same? Does it matter which ones you put in your wheel? Tune in as Dale lets us in on a few things everyone should know when picking out skateboard bearings. Buy Wheels HERE.
Hard Bushings VS Soft Bushings: What You Should Know
What you should know when purchasing bushings for your skateboard. Bushings can dictate whether your skateboard rides the way you want, or makes you go crazy. Tune in as Dale gives us some helpful tips on picking out the right bearings for you. Buy Bushings HERE.
CCS – How To Ollie In Under 4 Minutes
The root of all tricks, the Ollie, join us as our host Dale shows us an in depth look out how to Ollie. He breaks down every aspect of the Ollie to help you learn the right way. Unlocking the Ollie opens up a whole world of opportunities on your skateboarding journey!
CCS RAW Clips: Chris Wimer Skates 3 Spots Around Long Beach
Chris Wimer has one of the most consistent styles in skateboarding. Go behind the scenes as he rips up 3 spots around Long Beach area. Wouldn’t it be nice to make it look this easy?
CCS RAW CLIPS: Neen Williams Skates 3 Spots In LA
All of the attempts, slams, and hype that you missed in the original 3 spots video. Join Neen as he puts in work to bring you a solid day of skating in his brand new CCS Basis Tee around some classic L.A. Gems.