100 Kickflips In The Emerica Spanky G6 – CCS

So about a year ago when Emerica dropped Kevin “Spanky” Long’s newest shoe, The Spanky G6 CCS had this ambitious idea to do 100 kickflips all over the world with Kevin. After spending the last year shooting and traveling and spending millions on first class tickets for Kevin’s right shoe (so not add any extra wear and tear) CCS is proud to bring you the most worldly 100 Kickflips of all time. Thankfully Kev still has shoes in stock at CCS.com. So probably grab a pair… HERE.

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CCS Welcomes Aiden Caruth To The Team

14 year old Aiden Caruth wears size 38 Jnco’s and skates 10 inch wide boards. We don’t understand, but we love it. We met Aiden at his home park in Eugene and immediately knew he had something special. Since then Aiden has started riding for Santa Cruz, Independent, and OJ Wheels, so we decided it was time we officially added him to the CCS squad. Imagine being able to skate Burnside like that at 14… – CCS

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How To Make Your Own Colorway With Erick Winkowski And Santa Cruz

What’s more fun than a skateboard deck? A skateboard deck that doubles as a coloring book! Oh and a Lunchable. A Lunchable might be more fun than a skateboard deck. No matter how you feel about Lunchables, CCS and Santa Cruz team rider, Erick Winkowski backs them. He also backs crayons, and skateboarding. Pick up a Santa Cruz My Colorway Deck at CCS.com to get creative today!

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Jaws Skates 30 Skateparks On His 30th Birthday

If there’s one thing we know about CCS team rider, Aaron “Jaws” Homoki, it’s that he likes to do shit that seems impossible to anyone else. After jumping down 210 stairs in one day a couple years back, he wasn’t sure how he could one up himself. His 30th birthday lit up one of hell of a light bulb when he got the crazy idea to try and hit 30 skateparks in one day. CCS started at 6am and went non stop until 10pm, but by the grace of Jaws we made it! The cherry on top was a Kickflip Melon (or two) at each park. Enjoy this crazy feat of human endurance from everyone’s favorite superhero! Happy Birthday Jaws!

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