Tim Fulton drops this edit featuring Auby Taylor, Jake Ruiz, Nakel Smith, Tyshawn Johnson, Kyle Walker, Erik Ellington, Davis Torgerson, Jt Aultz, Massimo Cavedoni, David Jaimes, Flo Mirtain, Moose, Alex Perelson, Alex Midler, Jack Olson, and Alec Majerus.
Spring Leftovers
Featuring Jamiel Nowparvar, Davis Torgerson, David Jaimes, Jordan Maxham, Auby Taylor, Neal Shipe, Dan Narloch, Antoine Asselin, Fletcher Renegar, Vinnie Nanthavongsa, Tom Rohrer, Jack Olson and Chris Colbourn.
Davis Torgerson skates the DC Embassy in Barcelona.
Chris Cole, Nyjah Huston, Wes Kremer, Mikey Taylor, Mike Mo Capaldi, Evan Smith, Davis Torgerson, Madars Apse and Cyril Jackson, Tommy Fynn, Jake Hayes, Bugs Fardell, Joel Mcilroy and Deon Williams take over Australia and New Zealand.
Minneapolis to Los Angeles
Featuring; Vinnie Nanthavongsa, Kirian Stone, David Jaimes, Davis Torgerson, Jack Olson, Chris Colourn, and Fletcher Renegar.
Done_2.0 Trailer
12 cities over 30 days featuring; David Reyes, Clint Walker, Davis Torgerson, Peter Ramondetta, Robbie Brockel, Joe Tookmanian, Randy Ploesser, Sean Malto and Mikey Taylor.
The Johnny Romano Make-A-Wish Jam 2012
Justin Brock, Jake Donnelly, Davis Torgerson, Alex Midler and friends at the Johnny Romano Make-A-Wish Jam 2012
REAL Skateboards Pushing DC
Chima Ferguson, Ernie Torres, Peter Ramondetta, Massimo Cavedoni, Davis Torgerson & Alex MIdler skate one of their favorite cities and continue REAL’s Pushing series
Davis Torgerson Pushing Minnesota
Davis Torgerson skates so fast he might have actually skated the entire city in 4 minutes