Featuring: Tristan Rudman, Shaun Witherup, Justin Biddle, Simon Burlo, Will Harmon, Eugene Stewart, Mike Arnold, Julian Kimura, Max Geronzi, Nassim Guammaz, Jarne Verbruggen, Phil Zwijsen, Graham Davies, Mark Rowe, Daniel Gronwall, Pani Paul, Jason Caines, Arthur Derrien, Daniel Clarke, Julio Arnau, Laurence Keefe, Geoff Campbell, Chris Luu, and Louie Dodd.

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Lobster Tales

To support the new One Star Pro launch, Converse Cons teamed up with Sidewalk mag to explore seaside resorts across the North of England. And so, for one freezing cold week in January 2016, the UK Converse Cons team consisting of Matlok Bennett-Jones, Ollie Lock, Harry Lintell, Dom Henry, Mike Arnold and TM Jerome Campbell, (Jamie Platt was absent due to doing his ankle a serious mischief late last year) layered up, packed themselves into a convoy of vehicles and ventured north to see what a handful of Northern seaside towns had to offer to a bunch of skateboarders deep in January.

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Five Years of Grey mixtape

Featuring clips from Kyron Davis, Lucien Clarke, Boots, Casper Brooker, Jak Pietryga, Nick Jensen, Tom Harrison, Joe Gavin, Dom Henry, Jethro Coldwell, Joe O’Donnell, Ollie Lock, Jamie Platt, Mike Arnold, Rory Milanes, Darius Trabalza, Danny Sommerfeld, Harry Lintell, Jeremy Jones, Charlie Young, Jerome Campbell, Luka Pinto and John Bell.

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