The last installment to the Home Movies series. Filmed in and around Vista, CA. Featuring Jonno Gaitan, Noah Lora, Jared Gholston, Jacob Hayes, Nick Pope, Max Fisher,Jesse Kruger, Lyric Bennett, Lucas Cannizzaro, Garret Lekas, Kurt Hodge, Josh Stafford, Derm Collins, Mike Bricke, AJ Zavala, Jon Bricke, Davey Sayles, Tanner Burzinski, James Wynne, Jon Bricke, Jet Caputo, Ace Pelka, Bronson Ayub, Elaina Montoya, Justice Lora, Anthony Arthur, Joe Nares, and Nic Depis. Also Featured – Franky Villani, Chris Cole, Vinny Dalfio, Parker Gillard, Eric Guzman, Jaz Astudillo, Steven Pinerio, Alan Cornejo, and Dylan Diehl. Film/Edit by Mike Bricke
Trash edit from Footage Part 3 coming soon featuring Jonno Gaitan, AJ Zavala, Joe Nares, Garret Lekas, Nick Pope, Tanner Burzinski, Bronson Ayub, Justice Lora, James Wynne, Ace Pelka, Kurt Hodge, Noah Lora, Davey Sayles, Jared Gholston and Jacob Hayes. Filmed by – Mike Bricke, Noah Lora, Clint Wall, Mike Lawerence, Tanner Burzinski, Gunnar Hall and Austin Ayub.
Think About Your Troubles
Featuring Tsubasa Ohkawa, Tspliff, Bundy, Mike Bricke, Noah Lora, Nick Hall, Jonno Gaitan, and Jacob Hayes.
Winter Chill
Featuring Garret Lekas, Justice Lora, Mike Bricke, Jet Caputo, Nick Pope, Nick Hall, Noah Lora and Jonno Gaitan.
Mike Bricke Footage Party pt 2
Mike Bricke’s part from the full length video Footage Party 2.
Cyle Conger Footage Party 2
Cyle Conger’s part from the new full length video “Footage Party 2” by Mike Bricke.
Derm Collins Footage Party 2
Derm Collins’ part from the full length video “Footage Party 2” Film and edited by Mike Bricke.
Bronson Ayub and Tanner Burzinski Footage Party pt 2
Bron and Tanner’s part from Footage Party pt. 2 Filmed and edited Mike Bricke.
Footage Party pt. II PROMO
Footage Part pt II drops June 18th featuring Jonno Gaitan, Kurt Hodge, James Wynne, Max Fisher, Garret Lekas, Nick Pope, Mike Bricke, Cyle Conger, Justice Lora, Taylor Kirby, Deer, Tanner Burzinksi, Elijah Anderson, Pnut, Noah Lora, AJ Zavala, Tsu, Thomas Middleton, Adream and Jet Caputo.
Rowan is PRO! here is his part from Footage Party that premiered August 15, 2013. Filmed/Edited by Mike Bricke.
The House of Booze
Featuring Kurt Hodge, Peanut, Garret Lekas, Bronson Ayub, Jon Bricke, Zack Sorenson, Max Fisher, Nick Pope, Justice Lora, Mike Bricke, Josiah Nares, Jonno Gaitan, Drew Verdugo, Tanner Burzinski, Noah Lora and James Wynne.
Assaulting Palm Springs Park
Riley Kozerski, Mike Bricke, Brooks Bushman and Parker skate Palm Springs Skatepark in search for Bob Hope.