Actions REALized : Unity – REAL Skateboards

Skateboarding is unique in the fact that it remains open to anyone and everyone – Unity Skateboarding, based in Oakland, CA, is a project that supports and celebrates all queer and transgender people in skateboarding. They provide a platform for visibility and create inclusive and welcoming spaces for them to come together in the Bay Area and beyond. A portion of the proceeds from this board will go directly to the Transgender Law Center, a national trans-led organization, to support their continued efforts advocating self-determination for all people so they can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression.

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Actions REALized : Dan Mancina

Dan Mancina is no different than any skateboarder – he loves every second of it and doesn’t let anything get in his way. While losing his eyesight at the age of 23 due to a degenerative eye disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa cast a spotlight on him in the skateboard community, he was already a strong part of it. After the first time he skated with the Real Team he was instantly a part of the crew. With Dan’s help we worked on a special Actions REALized board designed specifically for the visually impaired.

Learn more about Dan’s story on

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HUF and REAL Skateboards present ’25 Years of Falling Down’, celebrating Keith Hufnagel’s 25-year career of makes and bails as professional REAL team rider since 1993. Keith breaks down the past 25 years in this best-of montage featuring footage from all four of his REAL video parts: Non Fiction (97), Reel to Real (01), Roll Forever (05), and Since Day One (11).

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