Kevin Perez presents LORE featuring Adrian Adrid, Art Cordova, Blake Carpenter, Brandon Starr, Christian Henry, Cordano Russell, Daniel Scales, Eric Iwakura, Flo Mirtain, Franky Villani, Gabriel Fortunato, Ish Cepeda, Jake Hayes, Javon Goodman, Jeremy Leabres, John Lane, Jonny Hernandez, Julian Restrepo, Kai Kishi, Kai Shimakage, Kenny Stanley, Kyle Walker, Lui Elliot, Mike Wine, Nikolai Piombo, Robert Neal, Ron Parker, Ronnie Kessner, Ryan Carrell, Sean O’Conner, Shane Heyl, Tanner Burzinski, Thomas Dritsas, Tj Harris, Tj Rogers, Tre Williams, Trent Mcclung, Wacson Mass, Willie Wilson and Yosef Ratleff.

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Highlights: Men’s Street Semi-Final | Rockstar Energy Open Portland 2024

Following the men’s street VQS qualifier, the top six moved onto the semi-final, where they were met by seventeen skaters, making for a total field of twenty-three. This was the largest and longest contest of the Rockstar Energy Open and the most important for street skateboarders to make it in the top ten to advance into the final. Nevertheless, the fans who packed the bleachers, sidelines and climbed trees were in for a show. Watch the best of the best that went down in the men’s street semi-final highlight video above featuring: Sebo Walker, Josh Douglas, Julian Lewis, Johnny Purcell, Marcos Montoya, Gabe Vigliotti, TJ Rogers, Julian Christianson, Dominick Walker, Felipe Gustavo, Tyson Bowerbank, Chris Joslin, Zach Saracheno, Braden Hoban, Maurio McCoy, Alec Majerus, Dashawn Jordan, Cordano Russell, Vincent Milou, Lazer Crawford, Jhancarlos Gonzalez, Kelvin Hoefler, Jake Ilardi.

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The Crew Skates Down Under | Red Bull Drop-In Australia Tour

Late October 2023’s Red Bull Drop-In Tour of Australia saw the gang host four roadblocked skate demo’s on an 8-day skate spree along the country’s east coast.

One of the most ambitious skate tours to date saw Torey Pudwill, TJ Rogers, Zion Wright, Gustavo Ribeiro, Felipe Gustavo, Alex Sorgente, Leticia Bufoni, Jamie Foy and Jake Wooten rock jam-packed sessions at the very different skateparks of Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sydney respectively.

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