With so many of Labor’s crew riding Ventures, it only made sense to come together on a project. Check out the video and the new Venture X Labor trucks in 5.25 HI and 5.8. Available now exclusively at Labor.

Featuring in order of appearance: Connor Kammerer, Dustin Eggeling, Jimmy McDonald, Danny Falla, Chris Jata, Zach Dykes, Neil Herrick, John Devine, James Sayres, John Shanahan, and Jake Baldini.

Pick up a pair HERE.

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Skate Like a Girl | PUSHING FORWARD – Red Bull

What does it mean to “skate like a girl?” How do we get more voices talking about women’s skateboarding? Vanessa Torres invites us in to explain how seeing yourself in skateboarding can give you the confidence to finally drop in.

In 2020, skateboarding is set to enter the mainstream on a global scale like it never has before — in Pushing Forward, we’re asking and answering the real, authentic and relevant questions that define the present day state of skate before it changes forever.

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