Unearthing 90s Skate & Hip-Hop Footage With Jacob Rosenberg – JENKEM

Craving a history lesson but don’t feel like paying for a museum ticket? An afternoon with Jacob Rosenberg that’s part career retrospective and part house tour just might satisfy that itch. You might know Jacob from his historic run with Plan B, creating videos like Questionable, Virtual Reality, and Second Hand Smoke, but did you know about his work with Del the Funky Homosapien, De La Soul, and other quintessential 90s rappers?

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Hanging Out With Andrew Huberman, Skateboarder Turned Neuroscientist – JENKEM

Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist who exploded in popularity through his podcast, where he breaks down complex science topics in a digestible way. If you’ve tuned in before, you may have also heard inklings about Andrew’s skateboarding past. Jenkem was curious to learn more about it and see the guy outside of the stuffy podcast studio they’re accustomed to, to get a sense of what he’s like when he’s not “on.” After a couple of texts, Andrew invited us over to his home in LA, where we were welcome to attempt his sauna and cold plunge, check out his old mags, and muck around his backyard.

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Hanging Out With… Ariana Spencer – JENKEM

For Jenkem’s day with Ariana Spencer, of recent “Evergreen” fame, they came in with no preparation, figuring they’d spend a couple of hours and hang out – whatever Ariana was feeling that day, they would do with her. Here’s a small glimpse into the time Jenkem spent with Ariana bopping around LA, skating Baker Boys, hitting the bowling alley, gaming at the arcade, and whipping up some nachos.

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JENKEM Checked Out The $2000 Game of Skate in Tompkins Square Park

Last week FA and Cons threw a $2000 game of SKATE called “The FA Flatground Entertainment Invitational”. In the end Myles Underwood, Dylan Clark and Salomon Cardenas all fought valiantly against flatground final boss Antonio Durao for their shot at walking away with a thick envelope. Watch along as cancel flips, switch lasers and other rare tricks stack up on Tompkins freshly painted concrete.

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Hunting Down a Remote Quarterpipe in an Abandoned Desert Town – JENKEM

Two hours outside of LA is a place called Bombay Beach. This area was a popular resort town for beachgoers and celebrities until the ’80s but due to a destroyed ecosystem what’s left these days looks closer to a Mad Max scene than anything else, with streets populated by loners and outcasted creatives. Jenkem caught wind that someone was building some DIY skate spots out there, so they decided to let their imagination get the best of us and checked it out.

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Hjinx And New Beginnings With Videographer Tristan Warren – JENKEM

Tristan is a young videographer from California who started gaining recognition from his independent video “Hijinx Unlimited”. It featured a talented new skate crew and a bunch of old school Hijinx that ended up being so controversial that he eventually took the video offline. Jenkem met up with him to see how his new company, Medieval Skateboards, is shaping up and grabbed an inside look into his world.

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