Chris Gregson follows Kevin Kowalski, Evan Dineen, Aaron Jaws Homoki, Nolan Miskell, Tim Aguliar and Tristan Rennie around the Simple Session course at Põhjala Factory.
JAWS “Colors” RAW FOOTAGE – A Happy Medium
A Happy Medium brings you the raw footage behind Aaron JAWS Homoki’s part in Colors!
A Happy Medium “COLORS”
A skateboarding film by Buster O’Shea & Hunter O’Shea. Featuring John Motta, Jeff Stevens, Aaron “Jaws” Homoki, Kilian Martin, Jason Park, Jordan Rommel and Johnrob Moore.
Kingfoam Elite Pro Aaron JAWS Homoki FP Insoles
Aaron JAWS Homoki gives you his read on Footprint Insoles new Kingfoam Elite.
Blood Wizard and friends conjure up a storm and Simple Sessions ramp Jam in Estonia. Featuring Chris Gregson, Kevin Kowalski, Tristan Rennie, Jaws and Cody Lockwood.
AARON JAWS HOMOKI describes his experiences and achievements while testing out X-Formula prototypes for the last 8-10 years. Aaron’s high-level performance testing was vital in helping produce the perfect blend of urethanes to create the greatest formula ever made. Try some now, thank Jaws later.
Heelflip El Toro Attempts – JAWS
Jaws drops his Heel flip attempts at El Toro while during the filming of the Birdhouse “Saturdays” video!
VX1000: The Story of Skateboarding’s Most Iconic Camera – Red Bull
In this episode of Pushing Forward, we explore the enduring connection between Sony’s iconic VX1000 video camera and skateboarding. The VX1000, with its perfect handle, lightweight design, and exceptional microphone, changed the game in the late 90s and early 2000s. But what has allowed this nearly 30 year old piece of technology to endure in the hearts and minds of skateboarders?
We sat down with some of the most influential filmmakers and skateboarders to get their take on skateboarding’s most iconic camera. Featuring Tony Hawk, Kareem Campbell, Ty Evans, Ryan Decenzo, Jaime Owens, Buster O’Shea, Hunter O’Shea, Ryan Schorman, Bill Turner, Aaron Homoki, Ricki Bedenbaugh, Matt Eversole, Greg Hunt, Chase Gabor, Dan Wolfe, Chris Ray, Beagle, and Jamie Foy.
Game of S.K.A.T.E on a Flat Bar, Jeremy Leabres Vs. Dakota Servold Vs. Aaron Jaws Homoki
Jaws, Jeremy Leabres and Dakota Servold flat bar game of S.K.A.T.E.
Biggest Channel Gap at the Pecos Skatepark – JAWS
Aaron JAWS Homoki skates Pecos skatepark and Tempe skatepark with the bros; Dakota Servold, Trey Wood, Jeremy Leabres and Tim Agular!
JAWS & Friends at Paradise Valley Skatepark
Jeremy Leabres, Dakota Servold and Tim Maguilar skate Paradise Valley Skatepark with Aaron JAWS Homoki!
Dakota Servold Vs. Aaron Jaws Homoki game of SKATE
This is the second time we have played (that we filmed) since Dakota’s double ankle surgery. We will continue these every week most likely. Also some shredding from my friend and pv local Trevor, and some fun at the renaissance festival. Hope you all are well! Much love to all. – JAWS